WRLI Announces "Pause Year" for York Federal Fellows Program

The White Rose Leadership Institute Board of Directors voted to approve an extension to the Fellowship Year for the Class of 2020 York Federal Fellows.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our current Class of York Federal Fellows have been unable to fulfill their program goals and the program itself has been unable to offer the mentorship and fellowship that comes with being a Fellow.

“Essentially, we're calling a mulligan on this year,” says Meagan Given, executive director of the White Rose Leadership Institute. “We are allowing the 2020 York Federal Fellows to reevaluate their program plans and take until December 31, 2021 to complete Fellowship activities... and to hopefully be able to experience a "real" Fellowship year!”

Additionally, the board voted to not accept applications for a 2021 Fellowship Year and are instead going to take this "pause year" to take a look at the program itself, for both current Fellows and alumni, from a programming/curriculum perspective and determine how more value can be added.

Applications for the York Federal Fellows program will resume in August 2021.